Argentina’s Roemmers group has signed an agreement to take on most of the products belonging to Italian pharmaceutical firm Menarini, which abandoned Argentina in April.

English version

Argentina’s Roemmers group has signed an agreement to take on most of the products belonging to Italian pharmaceutical firm Menarini, which abandoned Argentina in April. See article.

The group has agreed a ten-year commercial licence for the products, the details of which have not been divulged.

Analysts consulted by Pharmabiz say the conditions of such an arrangement typically involve a cut of around 8% in exchange for commercialization and distribution rights in the country.

The new agreement covers a package of products that turned over 69.5 million Argentine pesos ($8.3 million) a year, according to IMS data.

It brings several brands under the wing of the Roemmers group’s Argentia subsidiary: the venotonic Cervep, the anti-inflammatory Enantyum, the blood pressure medications Nebilet and Presiam, and the antispasmodic Spasmoctyl, along with their respective lines. Visit Argentia website.

Menarini’s cardio and pain products come under the administration of  Gustavo Cazenave, gastro products under Ricardo Frega and phlebotonics under Gabriela Dueñas.

The anti-anxiety drug Aplacasse, meanwhile, joins the Roemmers group’s Investi stable.

The change also spells a shift in distribution. Disprofarma was the distributor under Menarini; the task now falls to Rofina.

Menarini is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Italy. The new agreement could therefore offer the Argentine Roemmers group a strong point of entry into the Italian market.

u$s 1=$8.37

Artículo anteriorRoemmers tomó línea Menarini
Artículo siguienteCEO Alex Gorsky de J&J: conciencia ELA


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