The Cristália group acquired the Argentine pharmaceutical company specialized in oncology, IMA Laboratorios. For over u$s10 million. In this way, the Zaffaroni family and the Blanco family detached themselves from the visionary enterprise founded in 1962, whose origin was the Argentine Metallurgic Industry (IMA).

The Cristália group acquired the Argentine pharmaceutical company specialized in oncology, IMA Laboratorios. Ver sitio

For over u$s10 million the company managed to put in place a strategic plan focused in lyophilzed oncological products, located in Colegiales, in the city of Buenos Aires.

In this way, the Zaffaroni family and the Blanco family detached themselves from the visionary enterprise founded in 1962, whose origin was the Argentine Metallurgic Industry (IMA).

Jorge Zaffaroni and Elena Blanco were the faces of the operation being carried out on the Argentine side, although Blanco will probably continue in the business for at least another year.

Members of the sector are watching closely because this new Brazilian player has altered the map of injectable oncological products.

This was not the only operation in this segment. The ink used to sign the agreement with which the Advent fund acquired part of Quality Farma, through LKM, is still fresh. Ver artículo

Therefore, the only remaining subcontractors for lyophilzed oncological products are Kemex and Varifarma, although the latter also has products under a brand of its own. Moreover, Rontag -a company which sold its products to AZ and whose plant was dismantled–  used to manufacture these types of products.

There are also Glenmark’s, Eriochem’s, Filaxis’ and Sandoz’ facilities, although they produce only for themselves. However, Sandoz has a large idle capacity and is looking to manufacture for third parties.

Eriochem is also building a third plant of lyophilzed and liquid oncological products, with nameplate capacity for 600,000 vials a year. Novartis had temporarily became a mayor stockholder in Eriochem, although the national company recovered its stock in December 2010.

Meanwhile, Northia is building a state of the art facility in Pilar –in the province of Buenos Aires– dedicated to lyophilzed oncological products. In this case, production will be only to supply the Chilean group Recalcine.

The new IMA stockholders want to keep their clients calm, assuring them that they will carry on with the business of subcontracting. The pharmaceutical companies which until now produce within IMA are Bioprofarma, Teva, Dosa, Aspen, Richmond, Microsules and Delta, among others.

Although, in addition to continue producing for the local market, the most important Project of the Brazilians is to create IMA Brasil, a strategy which is being boosted by Ogari de Castro Pacheco, president of the Directive Counsel of Cristália and who arrived yesterday to Argentina to ink the final deal.

However, it is not the first Brazilian pharmaceutical group to land in Argentina. Last year, the neighbors Eurofarma acquired the national company, Quesada. Ver artículo

And recently Eurofarma and Cristália founded a joint venture which was baptized Supera, in order to grow within the main partner of the Mercosur.

Brazilian investments in Argentina are at the center of attention of different sectors of the local economy. It was the case of Camargo Correa in textiles, of the JBS-Friboi consortium in the meat business, and of Vale for potassium chloride. Ver artículo

However, the pharma business was never characterized for «green-yellow» investments.

Jares Furnó y Asociados, a consultant firm specialized in attracting investments to the pharmaceutical sector, intervened in this operation.

Artículo anteriorBagó sale con pantoprazol
Artículo siguienteEl brasileño Cristália adquirió laboratorio IMA


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