The local subsidiary of Servier is under new leadership in Argentina. Bruno Schwintner has stepped in after the departure of Nelson Da Conceiçao. The Frenchman already has experience in Latin America.

There’s a new CEO at the helm of the French drugmaker Servier’s operations in Argentina, and the multi has opted for another Frenchman. Bruno Schwintner replaces Nelson Da Conceiçao. Previously head of the Colombia, Ecuador and Peru cluster, the executive has been with the company for 13 years.

Schwintner wrote on social media that he was enthusiastic about his new mission, but he may find himself with a subsidiary low on motivation after recent decisions at the multi. Da Conceiçao, who’s already begun leading Servier Mexico remotely from Argentina, the company made multiple layoffs, and there was even talk of a possible exit from the country. That’s seen talent leaving, with medical director Lionel de la Roza heading to AstraZeneca after half a decade with Servier. See LinkedinSee layoffs at Servier (in Spanish)

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Artículo siguienteServier asume Schwintner como CEO local


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